Revitalize your mind and body with the healing power of acupuncture

Acupuncture treatments for…

Seasonal Allergies




Reproductive Health

Sore Muscles






Weight Loss

Our Services

Acupuncture Menu

  • Acupuncture is an ancient practice that is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which aims to restore and maintain health by stimulating specific points on the body using hair-thin disposable needles.

    The goal is to restore the balance and smooth flow of Qi or Chi-energy within the body, leading to homeostasis and relaxation for healing and repair.

    Research has shown that acupuncture has physiological effects, including increasing endorphins for pain relief and mood enhancement, increasing white blood cell counts for immune system support, boosting serotonin for mental health and pain management, and improving circulation for tissue nourishment and repair.

  • Electro-acupuncture is a type of acupuncture that uses a small electric current passed through needles to increase their stimulation and improve treatment, especially for pain. Research has shown that this method increases the release of natural pain-relieving neurotransmitters, such as endorphins and enkephalins.

  • Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a treatment that can make the face look younger by 5 to 15 years in just a few sessions. It can eliminate fine lines and reduce deeper wrinkles, bags under the eyes, puffiness, droopy eyelids, and double chins, while firming jowls. It can also moisturize the skin by increasing local circulation of blood and lymph, boost collagen production and muscle tone, tighten pores, and brighten the eyes. It can even improve hormonal balance to help with acne and reduce stress on the face, bringing out an individual's natural beauty and radiance.

  • Chinese herbal medicine involves taking a combination of natural herbs in a formula daily to improve health and treat medical conditions at their root cause. It is a gentle, safe, and natural approach. The herbs I use are pharmaceutical grade and come from reputable sources that go through rigorous testing to ensure patient safety. Herbal formulas can be customized and taken in powder, raw (boiled into a tea), encapsulated, or tablet form to treat a patient's specific patterns and symptoms. They are generally gentle with few side effects, making them a desirable alternative to Western pharmaceuticals in appropriate cases.

  • Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique that comes from acupuncture. Instead of using needles, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by hand, elbow, or devices. According to Traditional Chinese medical theory, there are special acupoints along energy channels called meridians that carry vital energy or qi throughout the body. When one of these meridians is blocked or out of balance, it can cause illness. Acupressure and acupuncture are used to help restore balance, along with other treatments like herbal therapy, nutrition, meditation, and therapeutic massage.

  • Cupping uses glass cups to create suction on the skin, promoting healthy blood flow to muscles and organs. Aromatic oils or herbal linaments may be used to enhance the treatment. Cupping can also treat upper respiratory issues and activate the immune system. Temporary soreness and bruising may occur, but most people find the treatment relaxing and therapeutic. Drinking plenty of water and detoxifying activities can aid the body in eliminating toxins after treatment.

  • Gua Sha is a technique used to treat pain associated with acute or chronic disorders. It involves scraping or rubbing the skin with a tool until a reddish skin rash called petechiae is raised. This technique is used to resolve musculo skeletal pain and also prevent or treat common cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, and chronic disorders related to pain and congestion of Qi and Blood.

  • Acupuncture is helpful throughout all stages of pregnancy. Before conceiving, it can balance hormones, regulate cycles and improve blood circulation. During fertility treatments, acupuncture can reduce side effects, improve outcomes and support emotional wellbeing. During pregnancy, acupuncture can ease symptoms such as morning sickness, back pain, headaches, and constipation, and help turn breech babies. After birth, acupuncture can help mothers recover physically and emotionally, and increase milk supply. Research shows that acupuncture during pregnancy and after birth can also reduce postpartum depression and anxiety.

Esthetics Menu

  • $200 - (80 minute)

    This facial is a complete all-inclusive workout for your skin. This customized, results-driven facial combats the effects of stress and lifestyle factors on your skin health and leaves you with glowing radiant skin.

  • $150 (70 minutes)

    this customized facial is designed using do terra essential oils to promote stress-relieving properties, induce relaxation and address all skin types. This facial is good for sensitive skin types or skin prone to rashes, eczema, or acne. It includes in-depth extractions and a scalp shoulder and neck massage.

  • Lip wax $30

    brow wax $40

    facial wax $50

    AHA/BHA peel $40

    Glycolic peel $40

    Enzyme masks $40

Treat Yourself Package

Treat Yourself Package

Relaxation acupuncture session plus cupping.


  • Acupuncture does not hurt. Acupuncture needles are metallic, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Some people feel energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.

  • An increasing number of insurance companies are now covering some Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for some conditions. Check with your insurance provider prior to your treatment to find out if your policy covers acupuncture. Also ask about the specifics of the coverage.

    Upon request I provide my patients with an invoice called a Superbill. A Superbill uses standardized codes for the treatments performed and is to be submitted to your insurance company for full or partial reimbursement of the cost of your visit, depending on your policy. Cost of treatment is due at the time of service.

  • A typical visit is 60 minutes. However, the first treatment will be longer, about 90 minutes. This time allows the acupuncturist to obtain a thorough evaluation and physical assessment. Treatment course is dependent upon the degree of the patients condition, whether it is chronic or acute and how quickly the patient responds to treatment. For optimal therapeutic effects, it is best to receive treatment two to three times a week at the beginning and less frequently as time goes on. Although some conditions may only require once a week.

  • We ONLY use single-use disposable needles, as required by law.

  • Many patients feel one or more of the following after receiving acupuncture: pain relief, drowsiness, spaciness, light-headed, relaxation, elevated mood, energized, tingly, heaviness or floating sensation, or sometimes nothing at all. The way that a patient responds is related to many variables, including the condition being treated, and the constitution of the patient. You may want to take a few moments to regroup after treatment, to make sure you are alert enough to drive safely. If you have any symptoms that concern you after treatment, please contact us by text message or phone at 858-344-0953 or via email at

  • The acupuncturist interviews the patient at length, observes the patients physical condition, formulates a treatment plan and selects the appropriate acupuncture points. After treating the patient, will usually let the patient relax with the needles in for about 20-30 minutes, and sometimes longer if needed. In some cases the acupuncturist may perform an additional modality such as moxibustion, electro-acupuncture, cupping or gua sha during or after the treatment, when appropriate. After the needles are removed, the acupuncturist may prescribe an herbal formula or supplement to go home with.

  • The severity and acute/chronic status of a health complaint as well as lifestyle factors of the patient impact how long it takes before a patient can expect to see some improvement. Acute conditions are often effectively treated with a small number of treatments over a short period of time, while chronic conditions are usually given a longer treatment plan, due to their complexity.

Meet the Team

  • Angela Huber

    DAOM, L.Ac.

  • Leah Eradat


  • Ashly Macall Smith

    Licensed Esthetician


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